Training, Community, and Help

Training Workshops

Consult the online learning website for workshops on online topics, including how-to information about educational technology tools.

The Teaching Center also offers a workshop series on practical teaching strategies that is not specific to online teaching, but covers principles useful in any modality.

Both workshop series are held on on Zoom and are open to any University of Rochester instructor.

Documentation for Important Recent Changes

Teaching Center Discussion Forum

The Teaching Center has created a discussion forum in Microsoft Teams where instructors can connect with colleagues with similar interests to share ideas and ask questions. This is a peer-to-peer forum. For AS&E teaching support offices, see the help and teaching support section below.

The forum provides themed channels so that instructors can select to participate only in their areas of interest. Microsoft Teams allows instructors to connect through a variety of methods, including discussion board posts, chat, and video and audio calls.

To enroll in the Teaching Center Discussion Forum, email using the email subject line “Enroll in Teaching Forum.”

Help and Teaching Support

Consult the faculty resources: teaching during times of disruption web page to determine which office to contact for your teaching support needs.

Guidebook to Other University of Rochester Teaching Resources

Consult the teaching resources guidebook to identify other teaching support resources offered by the University of Rochester.