Virtual Programs

student with vr glasses during a virtual field trip

海外教育中心与我们的国际合作伙伴一起, 很高兴为学生提供几个虚拟的全球机会! 这些虚拟机会并不意味着要取代实际的国外经历,但它们提供了宝贵的学术和跨文化经验,并暴露了跨文化能力. Explore the following opportunities and contact an education abroad advisor with any questions.



Take an online course through the Worldwide University Network (WUN). 由于新冠肺炎疫情,许多学生交换项目和亲自出国学习的机会被取消. WUN has responded to this by launching a Virtual Education Abroad Program 使成员大学的学生能够接触到另一个国家的大学生活(十大赌博正规老平台于2011年加入WUN).  This course is not 打算替代或取代十大赌博正规老平台的面对面课程.

罗彻斯特大学的学生可以从网上提供的几门课程中选择一门课程 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), 为了解东道国的生活和文化提供途径, and/or international engagement generally. 注册这些课程是免费的,学生需要从学校的教师那里获得批准 authorized approval list in order to use a course to count for major, minor, or cluster.

如果你对在线课程感兴趣,请联系Mr. Theodore Pagano,美国海外教育中心副主任, by Wednesday, September 8. 

Cost: no cost to student

Calendar: 大多数课程在10月20日或之后开始,并持续到2022年2月


Absolute Internships

About the program

这是一个基于项目的实习经历,可以在远程完成, 不需要在办公时间亲自出现在办公室. 你可以不用通勤,直接用自己的笔记本电脑完成工作!

远程实习可以让你向未来的雇主推销自己, prove your worth remotely at no travel cost, and kick-start an international career from anywhere.

When completing a remote internship program, many of the same aspects of an in-person internship will remain, including meetings with your supervisor and teammates, mentoring, virtual career speakers and career development workshops, growing your network and realize your potential.

Length of program: 4-16 weeks starting May 24
Credits: N/A
Cost: $2,000 (scholarships available)
Deadline: Rolling deadline, 6-8 weeks before the intended start date

Arcadia University Global Studies

About the program

Join Arcadia faculty in London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Barcelona, Granada, Athens, 去罗马参加一系列迷人的在线课程和实习,在8周内获得最多9个学分. 每学期选择一门课程,如果你愿意,还可以加上实习. 虚拟实习地点*是在伦敦、罗马和雅典的雇主那里.

这个创新的项目将使你有一个版本的出国留学, 加入由阿卡迪亚海外教师授课的在线学生社区,他们渴望将您带入他们的课程和他们所在地区的世界. Let’s make the most of summer!


Length of program: June 7 to July 15
Credits: 3 credits
Cost: $1,500 per course
Deadline: May 15

College Year in Athens (CYA)

About the program

25年来,CYA一直在监督学生在希腊的志愿者安置和实习. 学生们在这个国家提供的许多令人惊叹的空间实习, ranging from sectors that connect to Greece’s ancient heritage, to contemporary economic and social issues, to business, the arts, and many many more.

CYA利用这一经验及其在雅典的强大联系网络,为您提供符合您自己兴趣的虚拟国际实习. Greece has been undergoing dynamic changes in recent years, 学生们可以直接从这些变化背后的专业人士那里学习.

Length of program: 12 Weeks (dates can be arranged to your schedule)
Credits: credit eligible
Cost: $1,250 per course
Deadline: May 15, 2021

Institute For American Universities

About the program

这个为期六周的虚拟课程将利用美国大学学院在体验式学习方面的专业知识,同时利用他们在法国广泛的专业联系网络, Spain, Morocco, and beyond. Students will choose from academic courses, global internships, consulting projects, 以及社会影响实习/体验式学习项目,以定制他们的暑期虚拟体验.

Length of program: May 21 to July 16
Credits: 3-6 units
Cost: $1,200 - $1,800
Deadline: April 14

The Intern Group

About the program

实习小组的远程实习为学生提供了机会 realize their potential.

Gain invaluable professional experience, grow your network and make your resume shine, wherever you are. 实习小组提供所有职业领域的虚拟实习机会, within 3,000+ leading organizations around the world. 他们与世界上一些最负盛名的组织合作, 通过中小企业和创业公司. Flexibility is key to our remote internship program; do a virtual internship full-time or part-time alongside your studies, career or other responsibilities—the choice is yours.

Length of program: 4–24 weeks
Credits: credit eligible
Cost: $2,990 (financial aid and discounts available)
Deadline: 2 months before desired start date (rolling admission)

University of Auckland—International Research Program

About the program

该项目将为寻求文化十大赌博正规老平台经验的本科生提供高质量的虚拟出国留学机会, media, public policy and social sciences.


Length of program: June 21 (6 or 8 week program)
Credits: 3 units
Cost: $3,237.50 NZD
Deadline: May 2

University of Leeds

About the program

Study at a world top 100 university and earn academic credit. 利兹国际暑期学校还包括一个虚拟的社会和文化项目.

You'll choose one or two modules from a diverse range of subject areas, and earn up to six credits. 你将在利兹大学的教学人员的在线课程中学习, and you'll work individually and with others. 课程将是同步(现场)教学和异步学习的结合. Independent study is an important element of this course, allowing you to practice your skills and deepen your knowledge.

This is a full-time course. Live online teaching will normally take place between 8:30–10 a.m. or 5–6:30 p.m. British Summer Time (BST) Monday through Thursday. 你可以选择一个或多个适合你时区的现场教学模块.

Length of program: 4 week program
Credits: Up to 3 credits
Cost: $173 (2 weeks), $345 (4 weeks)
Deadline: May 31, 2021