
只要精心规划,大多数学生都能负担得起出国留学的费用.  本页提供了有关您将被收取费用的信息, 典型的自付费用, 在国外管理你的资金.  我们也鼓励您浏览以下网页:


学生 attending partnered programs will be charged Rochester 学费 and accommodation fee for their 学期 abroad. 这些费用将出现在你的十大赌博正规老平台任期账单上. 如果你参加了一个学期的交换项目, you will be billed by UR for 学费; your host institution will bill you directly for housing. 

The on-campus accommodation and dining fees will be removed from student bills by mid-January for the spring term.

该账单将不反映您的特定海外教育项目的注册, 但是会显示任何 预期的或预期的经济援助. The standard Rochester housing charge covers the basic housing level that the program offers, 一般和一两个室友住. 一些项目提供可选的优质住房, but students who choose to take advantage of it are responsible for any additional costs.


Each non-partner program has a different fee depending on what the program includes (房间, 董事会, 学费, 等.), as well as cost of living in the host country, currency exchange, and other factors. 记住这一点, 例如, 在巴黎学习, 伦敦, 或者东京的学费可能比耶路撒冷或利马的学费要贵得多.

If you choose to attend a non-partner, you will 不 be eligible to receive the same financial aid. It is especially important to discuss your plans with your financial aid counselor to determine what types of aid you will be eligible for while abroad and to ensure the continuation of your aid when you return. 有关更多信息,请参见 经济援助页面.

学生 who participate in a non-partner program will be charged an administrative 留学费用 by The College (see "额外的支出”下面). 学生不得请假并获得留学转学分.

学生 attending non-partner programs will be billed by the program/institution for 学费, 房间, 和费用. 您的大学账单将反映非合作伙伴留学费用.

非罗彻斯特大学的课程不适用罗彻斯特学院的课程 招生政策.  如果你正在考虑参加一个非十大赌博正规老平台的项目, 请务必与海外教育顾问讨论入学政策.


Billing and financial aid options are different than for 学期 and academic year programs. 

大学暑期课程:  一旦被录取, 您将向财务处提交确认按金, 以支票或URePay支付.  If you register for your program by mid-March the balance of  the program fee will be due by April 10.  If you register between mid-March to mid-April, your balance will  be due by April 18. 

其他短期合作伙伴项目:  存款和账单因项目而异. 咨询海外教育中心和教师项目主任.

非固定性伴侣程序:  你会收到留学项目的学杂费帐单.

  • Regular financial aid 做 不 apply to short-term or to non-partner courses/programs. Domestic students who receive financial aid during the academic year should consider applying for summer aid, 因为你可能有资格获得夏季佩尔助学金和/或联邦贷款. 和你的 经济援助顾问.
  • 钻井平台, 达到 资金, 发现 助学金可能适用于出国留学. 阅读网站了解详情.
  • 如果你有资格 吉尔曼奖学金, 正在申请一个暑期项目, 我们强烈建议您在早期决定日期之前提交吉尔曼申请, 通常是在十月初. 结果将在11月通知你, 这样你就有足够的时间来计划你的暑假了.


一旦学生被录取, they are required to inform the 海外教育中心 and the program sponsor of their plans as quickly as possible. Many programs ask for a non-refundable 存款 to hold a student's place in the program. 存款从100美元到1000美元不等,并包含在录取材料中. 平均价格在500美元左右. Deposits come out of the program fee; they are 不 in addition to the fee.

录取的学生 学期 说, 前辈们 国外,和大多数合作伙伴 项目将被要求提交入学意向表格,而不是提交 确认存款. 如果是学生 做  参加后提交此表格,他们将负责 存款.  学生 who participate in summer or other short-term programs must pay a 确认存款.

Study abroad programs and universities incur expenses on behalf of students prior to the beginning of the term, 因此, students who do 不 participate after confirming participation will 不 receive a refund for a confirmation or housing 存款 (if any) and may be charged for unrecoverable costs.  学生 who are unsure about their plans are encouraged to consult with the 海外教育中心 before submitting 存款s or signing an intent to enroll.
Housing (including damage and security) 存款s are charged by some programs or universities.  They are out-of pocket expenses that typically need to be paid prior to the program start date.   These are usually refundable provided there is no damage to the housing and/or the student has met the obligations of the housing and program policies and/or contracts. (见前一段).  


In the event that you enroll in an education abroad program and are unable to complete it, 退款(如果有的话)将根据十大赌博正规老平台的标准退款时间表, 以及可收回成本. The refund schedule is applied according to the calendar of the education abroad program. 如果你参加了非合作伙伴计划, no refund is possible for the study abroad fee and you will need to talk to your program about any possible refunds.


除了项目费用, there are out-of-pocket expenses related to studying abroad both before you go abroad and while you are abroad. These can不 be paid by Financial Aid; you will need to budget for them.  Note that even if you will receive a refund, it can不 be dispersed until the program start date. 使用 预算单 如你所愿.  早期的计划和储蓄会带来很大的不同!  这里列出了一些最常见的自付费用:

  • 申请费:大多数程序 不收取申请费.  如果要收费,那就期望收费 在30到75美元之间.
  • 留学费用:仅适用于非合作伙伴项目- $2,每学期066元, 夏季和短期项目(2024-25)375美元 
  • 住房费用:  You may need to pay one or more of these prior to the program start date or upon arrival: housing 存款, 押金, 预付一个月的房租.
  • 护照及护照照片:参见 美国护照及国际旅游网站 有关护照费用和要求的最新信息.
  • 签证费用和入学要求各不相同,但预计费用在75美元到560美元之间. 详细了解如何申请签证, 与你将要学习的国家的领事馆或大使馆联系.
  • 健康保险: All students to be covered by health insurance while abroad; check whether your current policy will cover you while you're abroad*.
  • 接种疫苗: Some countries require entering travelers to be vaccinated against certain diseases. 费用从30美元到300美元不等. 看到 疾病控制和预防中心网站 了解更多信息.
  • 艾滋病测试在进入某些国家之前需要艾滋病检测呈阴性的证明. 看到 疾病控制和预防中心网站 了解更多信息.
  • 机票:机票是一项你必须预算的自费费用.  即使你期望收到经济资助退款, 直到学期开始后才会发放.
  • 其他典型的自付费用:
    • 成绩单
    • 复印
    • 国际学生身份证 / 美国青年旅舍卡
    • ATM的费用
    • 住房/伤害/安全存款
    • 邮费/传真/电话/短信
    • 互联网接入
    • 课程费用
    • 工作许可证,居留许可,签证
    • 健身房的会员卡



海外教育中心, 财政援助办公室, or your program sponsor can provide you with a list of estimated costs for going abroad, 除了一个 预算单 帮你计划开支. Actual costs depend heavily on your style of living and will vary with individual habits, 首选项, 旅游的选择, 货币波动. 

Many students find that going abroad is affordable because of being able to use financial aid and scholarships toward the cost of their program.  然而, 有一些自掏腰包的费用要由你来承担, 如“额外费用”一节所列的费用.  大多数奖学金都用在你的账单上, 而不是以支票的形式给你, 所以不要指望把它当作花钱.

It’s a good idea to start saving for these as soon as you starting thinking about going abroad.  一些学生通过在校园里找工作为出国留学攒钱, 工作更长时间, 或者在暑假找第二份工作. Y你可以在网站上找到有用的理财技巧 GoAbroad.com 网站.


在被你的项目录取之后, your program will let you know by what date you need to confirm participation (normally, 入院后两至三周).  对于许多大学学期的课程, you will commit to participating by electronically signing an Intent to Enroll form in your record in the Education Abroad Portal.  在表格上签字代表定金不可退还.  如果您签署了表格,随后不参加该计划, 你会收到帐单的.

对于大多数非ur和短期合作伙伴项目, 您将通过提交不可退还的押金来承诺参加, 到非合伙人项目, 或到大学财务处(合作项目).